A Very Wide Range

May 13, 2023

Can you remember yourself at 10 years old when a parent said, “That’s money for an ice-cream, choose one”? And you should have been happy, but the problem was the phrase"CHOOSE ONE". There were plenty of different flavors available—berries, chocolate chips, nuts, and so much on. And you yet, you had to choose just one. It felt unfair. Nah, mum, take the money back. I’m going to grow up and buy every ice cream.

These days, I’m visiting Bangkok. Just an hour ago, I was thinking of staying for a night, and then I started browsing through the suggestions on Hostelworld. It showed me over than 200 available dorms, some of which included breakfast, some with swimming pools, some with evening BBQs, and even some with huge coworking spaces. I want to try everything.