We’re in Bali! Even though I lived in Southeast Asia for 2.5 years, this is my first time being in Indonesia. We spent February in the sinking capital, Jakarta, and now came to the “Island of the Gods”.
Our accommodation isn’t any good because we hadn’t decided a region where we stay in advance. Tzeyu wanted to do a short solo-trip at the beginning of this month and I planned to go to South Bali to try surfing for the first time in my life. Later, I’d go to Central Bali and see why Ubud is so famous among nomads. However, Tzeyu’s trip was tougher and shorter than we expected so she came to me earlier and now we are stuck in Seminyak.
Although, we don’t complain much about staying in a beach town! We both tried surfing and it’s a wonderful substitution to bouldering. I had about 6 hours with the board already and I see some progress every time I enter the water. Tzeyu has a lot of fun with waves too so we marked this Bali trip as a month of surfing.
We launched and already abandoned SendGlitter.my with Tzeyu. It was a small e-commerce web-site with “Stupid Glitter Letter” product. It was a fun experience of making a fancy e-com site but we couldn’t keep it going from another country.
I study Chinese harder than before but it never becomes easy. Writing is my Achilles’ heel. I grind it with anki-maobi, and I really like this add-on but Chinese characters just don’t stick in my memory. For vocabulary, I add words from my lessons with the tutor and this works good. Usually I can utilise vocabulary from the last lesson, unless it’s a classifier-for-objects-with-a-top-such-as-hats. I hate you, 顶.
That’s all for now!
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