What I’m doing now

July 1, 2024

I’m in Penang with Tzeyu. This summer we were renting 1-month apartments, and I’m getting used to having a kitchen, a dining table and a living room. For the last year I stayed in hotel rooms: they are more expensive, and space is very limited but that renting is more flexible.

Although, we still work in cafes. There we don’t need to worry about internet connection and food. Internet in airbnbs still sucks, and I’m so frustrated because renters don’t understand what’s wrong with 5 Mbps through 4G modem :-/

We climb thrice per week and it’s still exciting! We keep finding new friends in the gym, and they keep helping us to accomplish trickier bouldering routes. That’s a :-)

As a hobby I got distracted by functional programming and Phoenix Framework. It’s a novel paradigm of building software for me and I’m navigating it like a sailor in unfamiliar waters.

We extended my visit pass and now I can stay in Malaysia a little bit longer. That was a long fun quest of getting these 4 allowed months, and I’m unique with all factors I had. Probably, I should write a post about getting a social visa as a Russian traveler in SEAsia.

At the beginning of August I’m flying to Kazakhstan to meet my family. I spent much time searching for an interesting stopover and now my journey includes 21 hours in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. I wanted to visit the country for a long time, but I didn’t know they have a “chillya”, the hottest period of the year. In that days the temperature can be over 40 °C 🤯

Tzeyu also started her web-blog and I STILL wish she continues filling it with her thoughts: https://yunow.bearblog.dev/so-far-whats-up-in-may/

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